
Construction Professionals Use of Social Media [Infographic]

Do you employ social media? Yes 90% 2012. Yes 97% 2013.According to the Construction Marketing Association, the use of social media marketing by construction companies is on the rise. In fact, 97% of construction professionals say they employ social media marketing tactics. Are you a part of the 97% or are you part of the 3% that is getting left behind and missing out on amazing lead generating opportunities? If you are not actively engaging in social media, here are some of the benefits you are missing out on:

  1. Social media provides easy open access to relate to and communicate with your customers and prospects. Building foundational relationships before customers are ready to purchase creates a more authentic message and plants a seed for when they are ready to purchase.
  2. Brands and salespeople that create and curate meaningful social media content that is helpful can easily establish themselves as experts in their industry. Credibility is easily attained with just a few mouse clicks.
  3. Social media drives traffic to your website and builds SEO relevance.
  4. It’s free! Free leads! Yes, we said free leads!

The majority of construction folks using social media are finding the most success with LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. If you are managing markets for a construction company and have not yet dipped your toe into social media, any one of these networks would be a great place to start.

Check out the infographic below to see how your construction peers are using social media and where they are seeing benefits.

Courtesy of: Construction Marketing Association

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