
United Site Services makes $5,000 donation to help fight hunger

At United Site Services, we know Thanksgiving is what its name says: a time to give thanks. But, we also know the holiday season is about something else—namely, supporting the communities where we work and live.

That’s one of the reasons we recently gave our associates a fun-yet-charitable challenge: Send us a video of their best gobble-gobble imitation of a turkey, and we’ll make a donation to Feeding America.

To view our United Site Services gobble-gobble impression video click here:

As our associates rose to the challenge, the total United Site Services donation to Feeding America reached $5,000! We’re proud to support Feeding America – the nation’s largest domestic hunger relief organization, with 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries and meal programs.

Our Associates also went above and beyond by collecting food donations for local food pantries. Again, the results were impressive – more than 100 United Site Services offices participated in the food drive!

For United Site Services there’s no better way to close out 2018 and we look forward to a wonderful year with our communities, customers, associates and families. All our best to the people who will make 2019 a fulfilling (and gobble-worthy) year.

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